SaaS stand for Software As A Service. So, what's the difference?
Well, in the past if you wanted highly functional systems to run your business you needed your own IT infrastructure. The size and complexity of needs of your company gave way to the size of the It infrastrcuture you needed.
The 70's - Mainframes
Go back to the early 70's and IBM supplied huge maniframes bigger than tanks that ran clunky Cobol and Assembler programs that put green screens on everyone's desks. They were hard to use and certainl;y not user friendly and only the biggest blue chips could afford them. Whether they delivered a competitive advntage through systems could be argued for a long time!
Then Unix boxes arrived and software got a bit lighter. Then quickly on it's heels Windows and networking allowed desktops to be used. But networking was difficult and it often went down.
The Cloud and SaaS
Things gradually got better until some ten years ago when the first Saas or Cloud applications begane to be delivered.
Initial offerings were not very functional, and were slow due to Internet speeds. The real game changer was when high speed Internet arrived and gave access to these cloud applications to every one man band. All of a sudden you didn;t need a dedicate line at the cost of thousnads of £££ to run cloud applications.
Compettitve Advantage
Small sales organisations got hold of SalesForce at around £20 per user and they could suddenly compete with the big boys. It was a brave new world. Apps like Quickbooks quickly came to the party and enterprise level software was available to the man in the street. More importantly available at LOW cost!
Nowadays, if there is an application that has been written it can be transferred to the SaaS environment. And that has spawned a whole new start up and venture funded sector on business.
You see the people with money have seen the huge success of the likes of Sales Force and they want a slice of the action. Consequently they are prepared to fund pretty much any SaaS start up.
Specialist Recruitment
Harvey Thomas are a recruitment agency that specialise in supplying this subset of the wide Saas market.
"We supply software engineers, customer success and software sales staff.", it's a fast-moving and vibrant market place he says.
"We have to know all of the projects in our market initmately. If they are in trouble, we need to know because we'll be needing to help their staff move on to pastures new if required. The same is true if they need to ranp up and we need to find staff urgently".
"It's a balancing act, and we have to know where all the parts are and what their given situation is ant any point in time. This in depth market knowledge makes us more than just a recruitment company, we are like market consultants who just happen to move people around when the need arises".
Quick Reactions To Market Changes
"And, if something does happen, for example, a company loses their funding, we could suddenly be looking for work for 30 or 40 people. Generally if that happens the slack is quickly taken up. Indeed most of the time the market is so vibrant we are looking to find people to supply projects".
"It's a busy, busy market and a very rtewarding one to recruit in. We have really deep relationships with our clients and there is a large degree of trust on both sides, we like that. It gives us and the clients a security of supply it's difficult to get in other recruitment markets".
You can find Harvey Thomas by clicking here if you are a Saas Developer, Customer Success consultant (at any level) or Pre and Post Sales and Gneeral Sales of SaaS software. Get in touch.