Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Online Marketing In Today's World

One thing is for sure, the rise of Online and Digital Marketing has been as rapid as nit has been surprising.

Rapid Progress And Weath Generation

If you consider that as recently as fifteen years ago, Google, Amazon and Facebook didn't really exist. Now these online behemoths value at well over $2.5 billion between them. Quite remarkable considering that has all happened in the last fifteen years.

It has to be the greatest generation of wealth in the history of man!

However, what that has lead to is an amazing plethora of new employment opportuinities - across the globe. Even so-called thgird worlk countries are now experiencing the rush to Digital Marketing as mobile and 4G expand apace across the world.

With 5G relatively imminent, and a stead rollout, jobs abound for these amazing new skillsets.

Incredible Job Functions

Who could have possibly thought that, even five years ago, we'd be hiring for job vacancies for roles such as Growth Hacker or Location Marketers. And thgis demarcation of job roles has been caused by the incredible advances we have seen in technology.

For example look at the role of Analytics and Research and Customer Journey / Acqusition jobs? It is only the in depth monitoring and tracking softwares available that makes these juobs as detailed as they are. Concepts such as Magix tracking, pixels and the such like were in their infancy five years ago.

As they have grown in complexity so the insights available to the eCommerce organisation are more in depth. This enables customer targeting, journey monitoring and exit startegies to be so much more precise. This enables the savvy organisation to "know" and understand their customers to a much greater degree.

Better Everything

It allows better product targeting and influencing. Better product relationships and more laser like taregting of products. It allows for precise targeting of ads and partiuclarly the use of retargeting.

Combine all of these factors and you achieve a stunning growth in eCommerce.

But above everything else, you achieve competitive advantage. It's alsmost got the stage of tarding systems cutting edge. I used to work on low latency teading systems and we would work tirelessly to enable our systems to execute a trade, even, a nonosecond quicker than the competition.


Simple, that miniscule time advantage meant we could take better advantage of arbitrage situations (where price differences appear the instant before or after a trade).

The better competitive advantage you gain through these techniques, the more you profit on the back end.

Indeed, organisations are now trying to gain that Digital Marketing edge in everything they do and that includes recruitment of staff. Whilst the recruitment process outsourcing of the past decade has provided cost savings, it has also held back the recruitment of the right staff.

Advantage Through Recruitment

The top eCommerce organisations now recognise that it is vital to be fleet of foot with the recruitment of online marketing staff. The employment of specialist agencies to find the right people is once more in vogue.

Intelligent People were one of the very early adopters of Digital Marketing as a specilaist niche.

Doug Bates a Director and co-owner recognises the changes the market has gone through and confirms the massive chunking down of job roles into much more specific tasks and jobs.

"We've grown and adapted to the market", he comments. "I think we add a new job title to the database almost every week", he smiles.

For all Online Marketing Job and Vacancies visit Intelligent People

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